One Good Reason To Visit Taipei Prior APIC 2019
The Asia Petrochemicals Industry Conference or APIC 2019 will be held in Taipei from 16 May to 17 May 2019.
APIC has been a great way to exchange valuable information and an excellent networking platform for professionals who are interested in the Asian petrochemical sector. The conference has typically been attended by over 1,000 visitors from around the globe to keep them updated on the latest developments in the petrochemical industry and business in Asia.
As PIAT’s Chairman Mr. Fu-Shen Lin highlights:
This highly acclaimed international event will feature market seminars providing industry relevant and up-to-date information on the rising trends in petrochemical industry to expand your mental map of the global business. Committee meetings will also be offered to highlight the latest trends and the current mainstream views on topics such as: polyolefin, styrene, PVC, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber, environmental issue, and general matters and on raw materials.
APIC is hosted, on a rotational basis, by members of its Steering Committee made up of the following Asian petrochemical associations including PIAT, JPCA, KPIA, MPA, FTIPC, SCIC, and CPMA.
APIC 2019 theme: sustainable solutions for a better world.
The petrochemical industry has a profound impact on all aspects of our lives. The most important mission of the petrochemical industry is to create a sustainable future.
There were seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set by the United Nations in 2015, and it is important that these Goals need to be achieved by 2030. Twelve of the seventeen SDGs are directly linked to chemistry or chemicals.
In summary, high technology incorporation, high value-added manufacturing, and environmental friendliness are the keys to sustained development for the petrochemical industry. Information technology such as big data and artificial intelligence should be deeply integrated into the petrochemical industry. The petrochemical industry must continue to develop and provide great products to enable a better world.
HSEQ training
HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment, Quality) is a crucial part of a sustainable business. On 14 and 15 May 2019 we will launch our two-day HSEQ training in Taipei for professionals in the liquid bulk, chemical, and hazardous goods supply chain.
During this training, participants will learn how to develop a safety culture, implement safety management systems and prepare their business to deal with what-if scenarios in case something goes wrong.
Many companies either lack resources for HSEQ or would like to review their current setup. We are here to share our experience and help you to develop best practices.
This is an interactive training involving participants with Q&A and exercises. After completion participants will receive a certificate of participation and a printed syllabus with course material.
Photo Credit: Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash